Upzoning Soho Noho Is Just Plain Stupid

4 min readDec 27, 2020

My statement to NYC Planning regarding the proposed Soho Noho upzoning, submitted December 18, 2020 and originally published on my blog QueensStomp:

I appreciate the opportunity to express my deep concern over the proposed upzoning of the two historical and architecturally important NYC neighborhoods of Soho and Noho.

30 years ago, I lived in a cheap walk-up in Soho where I regularly walked across Houston Street to my job in Noho: it was a magical time in my lifelong existence as a native New Yorker, I lived in a literal 7-minute city, and I strive to protect the irreplaceable beauty, charm and character of a place I was lucky enough to inhabit for a few years in my wild youth.

But even if I hadn’t experienced the extraordinary gift of having lived in Soho and worked in Noho, I would still be working to preserve both globally cherished locations today. These neighborhoods, industrial, aspirational and so indigenously New York, are important to save because they represent our economic history as well as the architectural story which will always need to be told in this, my hometown, the oldest city in the country.

As I relay in my blog post regarding the proposed Soho Noho upzoning, I was born the year after the old Penn Station was demolished which resulted in the formation of a long overdue landmarks and preservation initiative which formed the year I turned one. I grew up feeling naturally protective of what needed to be saved and preserved in my hometown; I was surrounded by adults who had never recovered from the destruction of the former Penn Station. I understood how important architectural beauty was and that once something is gone, it is gone forever.

So I cannot believe now in this year 2020, as a middle-aged woman, I must step up to fight something I had assumed this city had already won back when I was in diapers with the creation of the Landmark Preservation Commission. I cannot believe any of us as New Yorkers are being bamboozled by our outgoing Mayor, his donor squad and their lobbying fanclub to actual fathom ruining Soho and Noho. I cannot believe such an idea is even on the table, especially now during a pandemic.

But I know enough of what goes on in NYC real estate and have been observing the puffed-chest Yimby rabblerousers long enough to know why, indeed, such an absurd idea is, in fact, on the table. And I deeply resent how this city even takes any of this lobbying seriously. But these mega developers and Yimby cheerleaders are taken seriously for only one reason: they are Bill de Blasio’s donor circle and Blaz has gotta grease some egos before he whiffs out of office next year.

Are we literally selling out our irreplaceable beauty, architecture, sunlight, history, tourist delight of Soho/Noho because of a handful of Yimbys? These folks ain’t even New Yorkers, our Mayor certainly isn’t: are we really throwing away the future of Soho and Noho for the whim of a guy who eats pizza with a knife and fork?

Buildings cannot speak for themselves: they need their admirers to advocate for them. We cannot be stupid with this. We don’t need to upzone Soho Noho or demolish the Elizabeth Street Garden in order to create affordable housing and opportunities for lower income populations. And how well does downtown Manhattan support the food and household budget of a low or fixed income household? What field studies have been done? What does livability honestly look like? This isn’t an experiment: some patches of Tribeca already look like the worst parts of Williamsburg with awkward modern asymmetrical glass structures which barely make sense in the surroundings out of which they aggressively jut. We cannot allow this to happen, in an even worse fashion, in Soho and Noho.

Upzoning is not the panacea these Yimby blowhards insist it is. A pre-pandemic MIT study flat out “suggests the Yimby narrative on housing is wrong.” Their narrative is most definitely wrong: and it won’t work in Soho Noho.

Again: this is Soho Noho! Are we really thinking of doing this? What insanity. We have such limited historical and aspirational architecture left here in New York City. Future generations will be furious at us for doing something as stupid as the destruction of the old Penn Station, again.

As a native New Yorker, as a former resident of Soho Noho and a proud current resident of another loft building oasis, Long Island City, Queens, I implore the city planners to not be foolish, to be thoughtful of our future history and the legacy we will leave: destroying Soho and Noho would be devastating to this city.

We can do better than appeasing Bill de Blasio’s donors. It’s been 8 years of late morning arrivals, gym dates and bad ideas: let’s allow this upzoning to also finally die with his last term. Upzoning Soho/Noho is a terrible idea and my hometown deserves better.




connie murray: long island city, queens; twitter: suspended; instagram: @fuelgrannie; web: fuelgrannie.com; queens, real estate: an abhorred critic of yimby